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spirit shrine sigil

spirit shrine sigil

spirit shrine sigil

spirit shrine sigil


listen to my latest track: girls//night

view the spirit ▲ shrine discography


░▒▓ 06.01.24 ▓▒░

alright girls, it's girls//night! eye tried having a lil spoootify widgie up there wif my musicks in it but it only lets u preview a song, and also just fuck spotify anyway, bandcamp is my home (4 now). enjoy my dancy, witchy industrial-adjacent lofi darling. xxx ooo ~ ~ ~

░▒▓ 05.26.24 ▓▒░
▲▲▲ eaten alive by the perfect lover ▼▼▼

hey cuties, it's been awhile, and what an update i have. as alluded to in my last post, i have indeed set up with a distributor, and my music will now be released across all streaming platforms, in addition to bandcamp and soundcloud as always. this album is called eaten alive by the perfect lover, and is simply a collection of previously released tracks, bundled together. none of these tracks are new, and i'm using this release to announce that my music is finally available for the first time across all streaming services, and will be for the foreseeable future, until it's no longer working for me to do so. here is my spotify link as well. i've also swapped out my old audio player for the embedded spotify option, so again, we'll see how that goes. as always, this is a work in progress. i love you all to the ends of the earth.

░▒▓ 12.19.23 ▓▒░
~ changes ~

i don't even know why i'm putting this here other than from a lack of anyone else to tell. i don't even do resolutions or really celebrate the new year on any specific day, but i'm motivated to make some changes next year. i'm looking at distribution and stuff like that, so i may show up on spotify or tidal or wherever y'all listen to music. i may also be offering merch, tapes, maybe vinyl releases. i may also be putting together live performance sets again and showing up in the PNW and beyond. lots of disorganized shuffling about, but that's always my starting point for any project. i hate social media and streaming services but it's a fact of life now, so who even knows what that will look like. thank you anyone who has and will continue to stick with me though, i love you more than you know.

░▒▓ 12.03.23 ▓▒░
₳₮ ₮ⱧɆɆ Ɇ₦Đ

i feel like i've been working on this track for months, and i'm happy it's finally complete. it's actually been more like years, because i've had these lyrics written and waiting for a long time now. it's called ₳₮ ₮ⱧɆɆ Ɇ₦Đ. joyful impermanence. i hope you all enjoy it <3

carry my bones to the river
in old aprons your grandmother wore
scatter my rings and my trinkets and things
in the algae that grows near the shore
read all the love letters that i had saved
to my friends and my family there
and kiss all the tears on their faces away
and tell them i'm grateful they're here

░▒▓ 09.29.23 ▓▒░

i don't have a new song finished. i mean, i recorded a new song just to get ideas out of my head, then immediately started ANOTHER new one that still needs string synth and some vocal weirdness on it, and i am planning yet another track for my side project "societal collapse is imminent!" as part of another noise compilation with Women of Noise to benefit Palestinian children caught in the middle of a genocide. i feel frozen with deadlines and obligation, coming out of a bout with covid, weathering the death throes of a crumbling empire under the weight of capitalism, trying to make the best of it all. just a lil update on the off chance that anyone actually reads this.

░▒▓ 06.11.23 ▓▒░
prQm/se me

here's a new song for y'all called prQm/se me. i'm working on a video for this one but it's taking me a bit longer and i'll post it when i'm done. this is my first track where i'm using the squarp hapax to sequence everything. i love this sequencer, it feels so natural and transparent to use. i also use a dusk filter pedal from dr. scientist to apply an LFO to the synth, so i'm trying out some new techniques here and there in the studio.

░▒▓ 05.25.23 ▓▒░
⍵​‍​/​/​/​Ҝ​‍​ɳ video

i recorded and edited my first music video for my latest song,⍵​‍​/​/​/​Ҝ​‍​ɳ.

░▒▓ 05.25.23 ▓▒░

here's a new one for you beautiful babies, i'm calling it ⍵​‍​/​/​/​Ҝ​‍​ɳ i think... this one took a bit to finish and i kinda love the direction my music is taking me lately. i was able to catch Skinny Puppy's last show here in seattle and it inspired me to play around with multisampled layered industrial drums a bit more, and i love how it turned out. the show was fucking life-changing as well.

░▒▓ 03.12.23 ▓▒░

you rummaged through the forest
searching for your heart
but the wild BO▲R$ found you on all fours
and tore you clean apart

here's another one for you cuties. when i was young, i was chased by wild boars through a swamp and it remains to be one of the most terrifying experiences in my life, for which i will be eternally grateful

░▒▓ 02.25.23 ▓▒░

memory, remembrance, held onto a ghost for too long /// in a haze of mis-rem333mber-ed dream before waking /// our shared hallucination of reality/dream

░▒▓ 10.06.22 ▓▒░
societal collapse is imminent!

no new music yet but i got some of my beloved synths back from the shop and my head is full of ideas and concepts and plannnnssss... been reading a lot of queer punk history, listening to a lot of new/old music... oh, i started a new music project as well called societal collapse is imminent! focused on noise, HNW, etc., so i've kinda been all over the place creatively lately.

░▒▓ 06.28.22 ▓▒░
...and the forest consumed us

when's the last time i finished two songs in a month? (i actually finished three, but i'll talk about the other one in a later post) this one is called ...and the forest consumed us. everything is falling away and the beauty of decay feels like home.

░▒▓ 06.01.22 ▓▒░
h3ll w33ps 4 h3r

hey cuties, here's another one for you. who is h3r? is she all of us? who is hell, for that matter... is she also all of us? the world breaks my heart, but it also lifts me up at the same time, and that's the whole reason we do what we do. take care of each other and enjoy my new song, h3ll w33ps 4 h3r. i've been on a creative streak lately, and i'm making more music than i can reasonably post, but bear with me. i love you all.

░▒▓ 09.14.21 ▓▒░
hey look, i wrote a new track

our infrastructres are dissolving, our bodies are breaking down, our empires are crumbling under their own weight. pandemics and politics. this is the first song i've actually finished since 2016. it's called ▲ϝLɆ§ɧ▼₲๏Ꮭҽɱ▲, and i wrote it for you.

░▒▓ 05.08.20 ▓▒░
this is where i write shit nobody will read

website overhaul. my studio is all pulled apart and i'm in the midst of reorganizing and rewiring and repairing... long overdue projects gathering dust. i thought my favorite sampler was broken but i guess it's not. i pulled down my last track because i didn't like how it was mixed, so ghostslikeshadows is back up. i sampled an old orson welles record i found at goodwill for that one. that's what's up.


hi cuties, my name is mathias (she/her) and i don't like the weird third-person bio stuff.

i'm a genderqueer multimedia artist living in seattle and i've been making all kinds of purposeful noise since 1996. my current projects are a dark, electronic, witchy-earthy thing called spirit ▲ shrine and my newest, a noise/HNW project, societal collapse is imminent!. i create, compose and record everything on old hardware from the 80s and 90s. in addition to music, i make collage art, zines and posters, and i'm part of a Capitol Hill art collective cult.

past projects i have been involved in include an industrial art-punk trio called WINDOWSNINETYFIVESECONDEDITION, a solo chiptune/drum & bass project called TANGENTBOT, a nerdy hip-hop duo called Three Ninjas And Tangentbot, a tracker collaboration crew called Public Works and an industrial, tracker-based project simply called Tangent.

i've been featured in compilations from Ritual Tapes (under the moniker T▲NGENTBOT), and the Women of Noise compilation release, to help fund a queer, BIPOC-led collective that aids low income folks in Appalachia with abortion services.

influences include oOoOO, The Swans, Skinny Puppy, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Lingua Ignota, noise, riot grrrl, DIY, punk, fluxus, the moon, storms, forests, mountains and the sea.

you can check out the rest of my music at bandcamp and a more limited selection at soundcloud.

a boymoding spirit shrine performing at cairo in seattle, wa - 12-14-2013